
A massive public sound intervention in the cabins of the Montjuïc cable car conducted by Estel Boada
01.11 / 2015 / 12h 00
Teleférico de Montjuïc
Sala d'Art Jove_Pherein_2015

A massive public sound intervention in the cabins of the Montjuïc cable car conducted by Estel Boada
Estel Boada
A song must be chosen. There are three: one in Spanish, one in Catalan and one in English. They are all different. Three cabins for three languages. Now a small group of people must be accommodated into a small space which requires them to stay there until the end of the ride, death remaining like a forced exit.
The movable yet static artefact is balanced in the air and repeatedly moves back and forth, connecting both points of the city. It soars over monuments and tourist prints of the city, tracing a straight line through the air. Travellers are suspended in the air for a rather short time.
It is important to take advantage of this isolated space to experiment without limits and to follow the lyrics chosen. The sound reverberates in motion 56 metres above the city. The magnificent aerial view, the yearned-for vision, is interrupted. Time is short and the landscape distances itself from the main axis.
This project is presented as part of  the activities and presentation program of La Gran Il·lusió. Sala d’Art Jove 2015.
La Gran Il·lusió is a proposal from the mediation team of the Sala d'Art Jove 2015 made up of Caterina AlmirallChristian Alonso and María García.