Sala d’Art Jove is a Government of Catalonia facility which runs a series of experimental processes intended to interrelate artistic practices, work with young people, art education and cultural production. It is also based on a networking model which enables joint projects with a range of cultural and educational organisations and institutions while at the same time helping to disseminate work processes that implies a return towards the social and cultural environment in which it is located.

Sala d’Art Jove is based on an annual public call for creators and researchers aged under 30 living in Catalonia, and various kinds of intermediaries (curators, educators, managers aged under 35) who work in contemporary art. Each year a team is formed consisting of the selected agents to produce projects, conceptualize and draw up the exhibitions and activity programme. Sala d’Art Jove is thus a venue for learning that is based on collaborative and prolonged accompaniment processes of the selected projects.
Every year an average of 20 projects are produced in the areas of artistic creation, research, education, publishing and intervention in specific contexts. Currently, the projects are produced in cooperation with museums and art centers in different parts of Catalonia. Artistic projects are produced in partnership with Hangar, Centre de producció i recerca d’arts visuals de Barcelona, research projects with MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, educational projects with ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies de Vic, publishing projects with the Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida, and projects for intervention in specific contexts in collaboration with Lo Pati, Centre d’Art de Terres de l’Ebre.

The management team is integrated by Eva Paià and Javiera Cádiz and the cultural officer at the Directorate general of Youth, Marta Vilardell. Henceforth, the desire is to place practices of care and listening at the center of any intervention, value the research processes of the selected proposals, as well as incorporate pedagogies and counter-hegemonic learning that open up space for other ways of doing and being in the world.

Sala d’Art Jove has received the ACCA Award for Art Criticism 2009 and the City of Barcelona Award 2012 in the category of Visual Arts from Barcelona City Council.

Management team’s advice hours are from Monday to Thursday, 10am - 2pm, at Sala d’Art Jove (C/Calabria, 147). Please, contact us by email to confirm availability: