Sala d’Art Jove publications have different functions and come under different publishing areas. In all cases these communication media are linked with experimental approaches and processes.
Firstly, there are publications about the exhibitions that are held. These publications are useful for disseminating content and also help with specific graphic or narrative approaches.
Secondly, there are projects carried out in the publishing section of the Art Jove calls, which has resulted in a line of artists' publications. To this end, we have put in place processes for joint publication with other organisations and got various design studios involved. Currently this publishing line is being worked on in partnership with the Centre d’Art La Panera.
Altering the narratives and representations commonly used in the annual Art Jove catalogues has also been promoted. The catalogues have been turned into a platform in which to express ideas and produce group assessments of the work processes and projects that are carried out in every exhibition season.