Com volem col·leccionar? (How do we want to collect?)

Blanca del Río, Maike Moncayo, Carlota Surós, Simone Zanni. Art Jove 2015 research project. Mentoring process: Daniel García Andújar
06.03 — 31.12 / 2015 / 12h 34
Macba / Sala d'Art Jove
Sala d'Art Jove_col·leccionar_2015

Com volem col·leccionar?  (How do we want to collect?)
This research project sets out to identify the chinks in the mechanisms of acquiring assets, as well as ways of bringing the public sphere into the assembly of an art collection. The research focuses on a specific context, namely MACBA, which has one of the most representative contemporary art collections in Catalonia. It thus seeks to question the processes of turning artistic practice into an asset and consider new parameters or criteria for acquiring works.
Projecte by Blanca del RíoMaike MoncayoCarlota SurósSimone Zanni.

MACBA, in conjunction with the Sala d’Art Jove of the Government of Catalonia, presents the research project chosen in the Art Jove 2015 call for proposals, Com volem col·leccionar?

Mentoring process:  Daniel García Andújar.