Marathon of performative presentations
26.11 / 2016 / 10h 00
C. de l'Alzina 21. De 10 a 22h
Sala d'Art Jove_AFTER_2016

Marathon of performative presentations

Christian Alonso / Alexander Arilla / Gerard Ballester / Leah Dixon (Beverly's) / Rosza Farkas (Arcadia Missa) / Núria Gómez Gabriel (La Kino) / Ethan Hayes-Chute ( / Victor Hermoso / Josep Maynou / Sergio Monje/ New Now / Sira Pizà / Plom / Job Ramos / Eulàlia Rovira and Adrian Schindler / Eduardo Ruiz / Rosa Sánchez, Darío Corbacho, Pol Masip / Laura Torres / Ricardo Trigo

After suggests a moment of denseness and oversaturation, a phenomenon to be thought about after the fact. After is a marathon of performative presentations. It will take place over the course of one intense day in a location prepared for the occasion. The intention is to situate the artists in the Sala d’Art Jove 2016 programme on the same plane as similar artists and others with more experience, as well as with other active agents in the art world from different backgrounds. By casting the orthodox structure of the presentation day into crisis, After suggests mixing and sampling formats and positions. Our goal is to get a fuzzy X-ray of the visual arts and to experiment with their limits and dependencies in relation to the technological-political context.
We are witnessing the constant reconfiguration of the ontological categories that used to unite our world, along with the performativity of the basic information that constituted the hardcore of our knowledge. For some reason, tangible and intangible hyper-production have shackled our hearts and our skin is glowing once more. Things have ceased being things; the relationship of one thing with other things is what defines a thing. Time has been detached from its temporal condition and a spatial condition has been instated in its place. “Wherever you go, do as you see”. We watch bewildered as we imitate and take the pulse of someone who stopped being human just the other day.
After is a proposal from the mediation team of the Sala d'Art Jove 2016 made up of Gris GarcíaSira Pizà and Ricardo Trigo.

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Sala d'Art Jove_AFTER_2016
Sala d'Art Jove_AFTER_2016
Sala d'Art Jove_AFTER_2016
Sala d'Art Jove_AFTER_2016