Theoretical and practical notes on the Festa dels Súpers Illusion, disenchantment and decadence

07.10 / 2022 / 18h 00
Sala Bar. Santa Mònica (La Rambla 7, BCN)
logo antic i dibuixat a ma del club super 3

Masks to put on and take off, illusions of the next day, colourful confetti, aerobic choreographies, radical Barcelonocentrism, the Tomàtic. The Festa dels Súpers is now a symbol of everything we were promised and have lost, just as we have lost our Súpers cards, never to recover them again.
Together with the artists of Sala d'Art Jove, we propose a space for theoretical and practical reflection on the generational disenchantment of young people based on an anthropologically fascinating tradition that has left its mark on the configuration of our development: the Super 3 Club Party.
The party is a meeting, a celebration of that moment when we thought we were future astronauts, pirates and owners of second homes. The Party is a symbol of a time when everything was possible, and we want to relive it today when we are waiters, freelancers and room renters.
We are no longer supers, but we are big xd.
Activity open to all and free of charge with limited capacity.